Gadsden Amateur Radio Club

P.O. Box 392, Gadsden, AL 35902-392

Welcome to the website of the Gadsden Amateur Radio Club (GARC). We invite you to explore our site and contact us with any comments or questions.

Membership Information

Download Application 

Annual Dues will be ($20.00) twenty dollars per year with exception of persons (18) years of age and under, whose dues will be ($5.00) five dollars per year.

All dues are payable January 1st each year.

New members will pay ($20.00) twenty dollars or ($5.00) five dollars with application for membership, depending on their age status. Their regular annual dues will also become payable January 1st of the following year.

Any member three or more months in arrears with their dues will lose all club privileges.

Any member applying for reinstatement will be treated as a new member in so far as dues are concerned.

Any member of the Lifetime & Perpetual Trust Fund will be granted full membership in the club each year, upon payment of dues in the amount of ten dollars ($10.00) annually from the treasurer of the Trust Fund regardless of the amount of regular annual club dues.

The first family member's annual dues will be $20.00 and other family member's dues will be $10.00 each provided each member resides at the same address